7 Things you need to know about green energy careers

What does it take to land a great job in Energy? Find out in our new infographic on the demand, requirements and characteristics of top environmental careers in Energy.

Post by: Angie Knowles, ECO Canada

What does it take to land a great job in Energy? 

This question is at the heart of ECO Canada’s newest study on the Canadian Energy sector, with a soon-to-be-released report about the demand, requirements and characteristics of top environmental careers in Energy. This research is the second in an ongoing series that profiles major employment sectors for environmental professionals.

Just entering the field and wondering where to start?

Check out the infographic below for a special sneak preview of the Careers in Energy report findings, including 7 things you need to know about Green Energy careers.

Already working in Energy?

See if the details below sound like your career. If they do, consider adding Energy as a specialization to your Environmental Professional (EP) certification. We’ve used the results from the Careers in Energy research to update the competency profile for the EP Energy specialization, ensuring that the profile accurately represents your expertise. Take a look at the updated EP Energy Competency Profile >>

This infographic features interactive stats! Hover your cursor over specific sections to see more info.

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